Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beating Hearts Contemplating Hope

i want to tell you that everything will be okay, but truth is. i don't think it will be. are you willing to survive. to set aside all weary thoughts. to lay your heavy heart across the sunlight and let it become light, as it fills with just that. do you want me to tell you everything is going to be okay, even if i don't believe it. i can do that, tell you things. empty words filled with empty promises and leaving you full, but soon the taste will leave your lips and you will feel just that, empty. praying to the stars, as if they can save you. a galactic force pressing into your temples, searching for hope. hope and despair hangout together at the local cafe and sip lattes. it's a pretty ironic scene that touches even the most uninspired bloke, but while eyes search the sky, do you realize what is passing you. pray to the ground, so that you feel more connected. turning off the telephone too keep the outside at bay, to stay connected to yourself in a closed space, your mind teetering on the verge of contemplation. contemplating me, contemplating you. eyes from the floor to the ceiling and you can't remember what you were in search of. say hello to windows. for they peek inside you like visitors at an art gallery, examining you. your beautiful structure so abstract, that the complexity is frighteningly brilliant. stuttering with words so familiar to you that the new direction, the content, is overwhelming your soul. for i know what desire feels like and we long for the opportunity to feel it, again and again. lusting for hope. do you still wish for me to tell you that everything will be okay. do you believe that everything will be okay. what is your definition, your platform of okay. because everything might be as it is and that in itself could be very okay. twisting melodies to songs you know the words too but dare not utter them for their meaning has new found meaning to you and your beating heart. beating hearts contemplating hope.

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