Sunday, April 3, 2011

Love On The Rocks

you deserve the world, you know that right. don't tell yourself any different. you deserve everything and anything, and you don't need one person to be that end all and be all. good company and good things, they are the finest things in life, a good person who loves you is a beautiful thing, but don't be discouraged when you don't have the one but you've got a solid group. that group is rooting for you and when you do stumble upon the one and feel so worth wild do not forget those who are rooting for you on the sidelines. don't be discouraged. they love you. love is a tipsy notion, it keeps you wanting, fills you up to leave you empty. we love to hate it but we hate to love it. falling over thoughts and thinking crazy things, love blowing up all around you and you feel so unloved. don't. stop. right. there. stop in the name of love. for you are a beautiful thing and you don't need one person to tell you that or that group of ten, you tell yourself and you believe it in like those die hard soccer fans, paint your face with your love and rock your team pride, for you deserve that best of the best, whatever you'd like, and you'll always be alone, just learn that now, don't let it crawl into your mind and in effect you. for together we stand alone and alone we stand together. love. you've got it. don't you forget it. so go ahead, pour yourself a short glass of love, on the rocks.

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