Friday, September 10, 2010

Hypocrisy At It's Finest

a strut into the opposite direction. a once dark alley way, now lit with the light of something new. washing over you like bubble bath, clean and refreshed. the notion of the idea swirls in your body making grounded bodies sway to the actuality of what is becoming such elevation. hypocrisy at it's finest. the rise and fall of great things. the beauty unleashed from places your not sure even housed beauty. dazed and loving it, like a rebellious teen, craving for the sensation in the now, whats to come of this. laffy taffy sense of everything and approaching with caution but excitment kicks you in the temple and your mind is gently placed somewhere else, outside your body and you can't help but not really mind that you are losing control, one step at a time. a march of self pride washed away, subside because now you've got better things to base your pride on. swallowing happiness in big gulps, pop rock feeling all the way to your socks and you don't want to slow down, no need to speed up.. you're coasting into something that feels like free fall and the questions you want to ask have settled somewhere south and your mouth only craves kisses and inspiration, your tongue wants to envelope entire spaces with dreams and ideas and your entire being went from so shielded to captivating, revealing.

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