A division of the here, the now, and the before. A constant personal battle filled with landmines and devilish qualities both repelling and attracting you. Moments of truth invaded with moments of realization and the moments just keep coming, nothing ever certain, nothing ever real, and everything always changing. Interlocking education and the race from rages to riches has got it’s claws in you and your not sure what to focus on.. pulsating ideas bursting against the horizon and if the sun doesn’t rise they’ll always drop an H-bomb or something so spectacular it would bring tears to the eyes of even the most skeptic. Loveless love filled to the brim with questions and regrets and more questions and reasoning and positions on the intake of the consumption of this product, this brand that has soon become a staple in your life. Mothers reaching for Kleenex while you reach for Love. Trademark, stamp that stuff and let it become illegal, passing love with blind eyes so that no one knows your position, your dosage is now off the charts and you can’t help but crave more. The here. Calling to you like a musical beat in the night, causing your limbs to shake and shimmy without the slightest notion of desire, you go along with it because you can’t help but notice how good it really feels. The now. Your addicted. Addicted to love or the summery feeling it gives your skin, not all the symptoms are cozy though.. but you knew that from your first plunge with the unsteady beat of a substance that has gone unrecognized, categorized into a sensation, a feeling, a state of mind, nothing worthy of deeming lethal, yet. The before, stumbling through memory lane, avoiding the memory bullets like acid to the tongue, you recall when the clock ticked like there was nothing to wait for except the next striking tick. The before, when your guts didn’t ache at the thought of love and when your mind wasn’t so consumed with love that you actually did stop and think about it simply as a prospect not a user. When the idea of love made you smile, when the thought was just a thought and the feelings were just ideas and the effects were the farthest away from your soul, when your soul mocked those twisted in it’s hands. When love was just love. When you were just you. Love seizing moments and taking breathes, love racing through your veins that it would take beats from your heart and create a soundtrack to the saddest movies. That’s where all the skipped heart beats go you know, bottled up and shipped to Hollywood, you can sometimes hear mine in the saddest of movies.
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