Sunday, May 2, 2010


a tempting temptation. it knows your name fluently and it's forever whispering secret little indulges into your mind and has found it's way under your skin. it's become this tantilizing addiction that you had no idea was so becoming of you and when you try to scrub, wash it away. it won't leave. for you are it's home and it is right at home. promises to itch your brain and make you want more. a weakling in the strongest of armour and a smile on your face that could wash away any form of cloud. a delicious little mojo allowing you to feel the addictive teeth nibble on your insides. a beautiful sense of corruption you would hate to see erode away. a wonderful sort of dance that makes you move to no sound and like a brand new effort you feel the surge every once an awhile and it's never old - always sparkly and unwrapped like the most deadly of presents. a fascinating addiction that has got you all strung out, an addict - sign the line, check you in. get well soon - i'll miss you while your gone.

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