Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Taste like Fire

empty bottles littering surrounding party minds and habitants which once occupied such relevant sound is now muffled by such drunken appraisal. high heel weapons and purses with contents of love and other drugs. skipping stones off broken records and the glass half full now filling with over exposed skin and lip stick smeared from heat of the moment passion. nail polish chipping with all the feverish motion attracting lips to lips and thoughts to thoughts all agreeing in occurrence without words everything in sync and understandable. pearls strung in the trees and jeans ripped all over allowing you to see pieces of everything. hearts broken but tonight mended together with whiskey ideas and caesar minds. salty apparel and cigarette fumes all contributing to a massive party scene meshed with ice cubes and glitter. flask filled with secrets and tonight you will spill them out to whomever is around and with a clock ticking off beat you are awoken to your feet and ready to stay mesmerized, trouble pressing against your time and nodding assurance that what you are about to do it just fine, sweetly laced with passion and speedy rabbit minds all swimming in a pool of fun. goldfish lips and sunglasses which mirror your devotion. a wild premonition waking you up with raindrops of forever and a taste like fire.

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