Tuesday, October 19, 2010

From Hard Jane to Sloppy Joe

they say too much of anything isn't good for you. i've over dosed on your presents. your time. your smile. your words and caresses. vitamins without the water. like the sun to my flowers, everything is now dark. not even moonlight kisses my thoughts in the nightly hours of thought. pour me a glass of connection because sparks are misfiring and this will no longer be a happy tale, just a washed out excitement that leaves minds pounding, hearts crumbly and curiosities spiked with vodka and i am drunker than you can imagine. from hard jane to sloppy joe, i'm a cheesy mess and not in the delicious hamburger way. feed me magic and allow me to soar off to other places where thoughts cant touch you and feelings can be washed away with bubble bath. knew not to jump into this turtle race and now i'm that silly rabbit tappin' along to some wicked music, and i never did abide by such rules, and i'm looking like a fool because tricks are for kids. scribbling in crayons things ill never say to you. words im trying to chisel out of my brain and into paper but the paper is reflecting and this is just a mirrored substance of irrational circumstances, and unhealthy combination of passion. desire. absence. thoughts, oh the thoughts. save me from thinking, blessed me a brainless bimbo so that i can find peace of mind in my lip gloss!

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