Monday, July 26, 2010
Verbally Abusing Myself

Made Up Reality

Sunday, July 25, 2010
All My Faults, Are My Fault

i'm awake. questioning my own questions. doubting my own doubt. my curiosity killing me and all my faults are my fault. scribbling frantically hoping that maybe from miles away my truths will have some kind of relevance to your emotions. secretly, i'd love to tie a beautiful yellow ribbon around your finger, forget me not. a lone balloon, i feel uplifted yet in the sky i am wandering aimlessly trying to grow organically with roots i planted months ago, but never settled in soil close enough to your heart. stranded in a sky-like garden with no water and not enough warmth to keep the flowers open. my words frozen like ice cubes pressing for your tongue to melt them into a soft sparkle, words i'd like to catch in the under tow of your rushing breath and fingertips i'd like to trace, leave behind ruminants of my soul. circle of marbles, allow me to knock you out of your rut and maybe advert your eyes to the side and catch me there. it might be easier if you just say no. all the signs are green as go but the motion in the action is still, i hope for yellow but there is nothing, it's all stop and go. i cannot slowly roll because of the berlin wall to your life that i will crash into. i slip on a higher heel, one that will endanger my life because it will throw caution into my mind and allow me to ease into your presents but getting away from that is something i haven't quite mastered, and your goodbyes are something i cringe at hearing. i am beating myself up over feelings i cannot help but bare. truths that are scratching at me and i can't make them back down. words slicing my tongue that i cannot speak out loud for the fear of you tasting them in the wrong context and deeming them manufactured or hallmark and they will be irrelevant to your own emotion but very faithful to mine. i tell myself i am done. feeling idiotic and foolish but there is a much deeper tie to this than i can control. it is a entire connection to my mind, body and soul and stupid me, cannot cut loose. i realize that i should probably kiss our tomorrows goodbye, because i haven't had a today with you. but i can't help but want to put up a fight, a promise that i am determined and to make mockery of my drive would just fuel my desire to be apart in relation to your mind. not asking for all of your time, but i cannot not wash my hands nor clear my mind of you. tackling me in aspects that if i told you, you would believe untrue. a build up of anticipation, why am i still anticipating. call me crazy for i often feel i am. i am very distort and perhaps for the hour of the night that it is, i shouldn't be ranting about such powerful feelings but they wont let me sleep, lovely bullies i can only thank for encouraging me, but a punk drunk love feeling that has cascaded over me, may i offer you a glass?
Heart Beat Remix

Tis the Season to Get Naked

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Screaming Affection, You've Effected Me
Soda Pop Lips

slurping into an eternity of forever and the fizz alone will snap you back to reality. a red lip to leave prints all over your senses and a quick soda can to contain sad secrets. allow time to slip away and throw caps into the stream, water under the bridge. remember everything and bottle whatever youd like, scribble of fountain drinks, and your name in a silly place and everything crazy seems to fizzle out and you cant handle the stories of the past because your living in the moment and the moment is now. time after time you then realize that everything is about to remember you some way some how, but you don't fret, raise your red. iconic, you're bionic and don't let them tell you any different. a reasoning of nothing and you aren't about too stoop to a level of whateverness to counter clock their togetherness, sun on your soda can, and your time is now, so sip life gently, second best thing for lips is smiling.. but forget that - lets kiss!
Kiss My Clothes Off

Misery look me in the eye and spark my desire. A constant urge to be elsewhere with certain company and you're nowhere to be found. In the elements of my technology, I find you very comforting. Easy to breathe and entirely astounding I wish I could tell you more. Your ears will not listen too me and sweet words would be ever so kind to fall upon your mind. From my mouth to yours, a kiss of imperfection that would scream perfection all laced with good intentions. I intend to kiss you a million times. Mocha memories and steamy scenes an intensity I didn't imagine, you saw the scene. I cannot be held accused of a wild imagination, not this time. Speak now or forget your peace a passion so fiery its melting me. You so flavorful and your brilliance is like sexy apparel, I want to wear you with my nylons and kiss under the stars until our clothes fall into the water.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Butterfly Bullies

monarch butterflies swarm a puddle as deep as a swimming pool. i'm standing there. the water is just above my waist. at first, i only peek at those butterflies. i don't dare touch. i look around but no movement. i don't want to make the water ripple and i don't want to touch the butterflies. i advert my eyes to a higher deck, the first floor of this boat filled but not filling. if the water is on purpose or not i'm not to worried about it. my eyes catch something i still can't make it out but seems like it's kind of smiling downward. overtime the foamy dream drips into my sleep and it kind of haunts me? at a certain moment in the dream my fingers pick up little pockets of water and i raise my arms way over my head like i'm waking up in the morning light and stretching of last nights slumber. when i do this, the water doesn't not seem effected, the butterflies still there in the water, motionless. it kicks me in the mind and i can't help but want to over analyze it, shake it, rip it into pieces and try to put it back together in a manner that would make a little more sense too me. i don't what it is. those butterflies, ultimate little faces i cant make out but their wings are fluttering against my skin in this invisible way that kind of makes me uneasy. a weird little notion i cant get over. a recurrence in my mind that i cant control. i don't know what it is, why it happens. an army of dead butterflies keeping me up. when i am asleep i am awake and when i am awake i am dreaming.
Crisp One Hundreds

Invisible Time

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Glitter Foot

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rock. Paper. Stare.

your eyes have this thing about peeking into my soul. quakes of motions are sent right through me. morning light type sensations reflect my entire being. your words are like glitter casted upon my atmosphere, i breathe them in, so that i can shine within. colours begin to bubble and pop. starlight mixed with a neon haze, a life worthy temperament tilting me in your direction. fairy tale dreams broken apart with smacks of reality yet you are still you, not a figment of my imagination. laughing bodies begging for a funny. murky skies shed shadows on our faces and eyes playing games with eyes. rock, paper, stare. lips teasing one another, and emotions dripping off the sides. delicious questions pierce my mind and i can't help but want to probe your mind. tell me all the things you house in the temple of yourself so that i can take flight in your personal adventure, a starvation of the self, i'm hungry for all of you.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sugar Fixation

lighter fluid lip gloss setting my whole body on fire. a celebratory stare, igniting your fire. sugar fixation your eyes slink across my canvas. temptations borderline on addictions. cravings swimming in the contours of my mind adapting to my stride. confident touch melting away the tick of time. lightening up personal atmospheres, yours and mind. goggly eyes making hearts strong, beat with lions pride. a reaction of membrane's setting the world on fire, one sequin at a time. fashionable magnet. you are a picture out of it's frame. a walking masterpiece with everything and your name. a drive like a sports car, your efforts are smooth. rev your imagination and i'll be sure to give you all of my time. a limitless encounter that is mine. stamp a mark into memory and hope you don't forget.. silly string vibes and a whole new season, with your entering like a new scene.
Designer Filth

a moment to proceed into redemption. solid amounts of energy consuming you from the inside out. eyes being pulled away from the future into something else.. beautiful liars speaking the truth and making hobbies of your pain. sharp moments blinded by a festival of chaos. gentlemen, not so gentle and women, so very unladylike concocting plans to menace around in the creases of time. chemicals made in the designer way, glitter and grease, making everything filthy sexy. respectful seconds stealing your breathe and a harbouring them on the top shelf, out of your reach. your racing against yourself. your dreams are being smothered by irreplaceable people. tiny voices dancing on your ear, causing deep deviance within. sober ideas in a drunken time. a frenzy of something much more substantial then you choose too believe.. separate your eyelashes pretty people and peek a little deeper then simple mascara massacres.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Distilled Vanity

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Caramelized Murders

Stabbing gummy bears thru their gummy hearts with licroice swords and candy canes. Quick somebody throw him a peach ring so that he may attempt and save their life. A sugary murder the colour of swedish berries and puckering lips wincing at the watermelon sting. Citrus chains enclosing icy brains and the sugar rush your bound to escape is going to make your teeth rot, chocolate dipped words melting on tongues and french kisses making bonbons last much longer than highschool sweethearts. hot lips kissing sour kids and cola bottles just as juicy. marshmallow visions clouding your appeal and a caramelized escape, soften.. gum ball battles and a heap of lime ricky, begging for you to slow things down because he's been on a sugar high for .. well for .. forever now.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Jealous for your Cigarette.

Mega Transformer

Puckering lips aiming for a severe dose of rejection. My body dances to your pulse. Fuel the living frenzy. I can't help but want to indulge in all of you. Water fall locations and spots way up in the air not only emotionally heightening but physically too. I wonder if you remember such nights of sweet desserts both food and flesh. The wheels in your mind always turning, you throw obstacles in, try to slow them. Allow me to reassure them. Butterflies? We really must go visit, allow the flutter to swim in the corners of your soul and I will tuck them in, watch it glow. Beautiful complications I want to absorb. Allow your dreams to rest on your eyelids and nightmares I shall swat away from your soul. Greasy smiles make me slip and slide, I'm on a route for distruction when you throw them my way. My racing mind slowly sways words fall over my lips into your ears and racing hearts causing mega transformer moments of starstruck light beams to shed a beautiful glow on my napkins, pen spelling out powerful bullets that just might astound you. Skin like mocha extra cream. Ive become an addict to something ever so close yet not within my reach, yet?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Strictly Fetish

Dirty Vixen

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ice Cream Sundae Journey

It's Ours

Champagne Infested Memories

Lip Print Analogies

Monday, July 5, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Fingerprint Disease

amusement tickling frenzies and burning epic fires. bewilderment fuelling chemical emblishments and allowing toxic kisses to be the death of me. smart a lic remorse, with a morbid side effect. blind sided visions and a shiney appeal, brand new lies taste just like plastic. metal minds with a hint of melocholy making everything seem lazy, easy.. painless. fingerprinted disease and your yearning for it's touch.
Tipsy Topsy

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Whatever You Can

Just Getting Started