Thursday, April 29, 2010

best match

anatomy of mascara, don't let those eyes fool you. shadow has got them defined, squinting out lies that you would have never noticed with out that perfect little line of liner which just enhances the whole appeal. looking for truth, stay away from the pupils of that bad ass chick. cheek bones, enhanced with a blushing effect, making even the more tough acting boys wanting to touch such bronze skin. settle for less they will, they aren't looking for anything golden. lips. perfectly drawn out lips with a pretty colour, do they taste as good as they look, all minds drawn to those lips and how the gloss is caught my the shine of his glasses and they are oh so delicious. just want to take a bite, hoping hope that they will bite back. lip prints they want to savour on their skin. this girl has got it going on. silky dress clinging in all the right places, stubborn heels she doesn't know to walk in so she's picked a play to stay in. stands her ground and talks her fluent body language because she knows it all way too well. the platform of her basis is to eat you up. use you abuse you, she knows just what to say. where to take you, what to do. she's using determined motions to capture you under her spell. until he walks in. fitted suit. short, skinny tie. those shoes that make a slight click on the floor that would make any girl come running expediently. he's define skin tone is mouth watering and the way he licks his lips would make any girl drop in a hurry. meeting eyes. the girl with the lies and the mysterious boy. she wants what she wants and she's trying to work him from across the room. he's not taking the bait. she's never experienced such a thing. she attempts to get closer and gets all too canny to envelope her when he has gotten all of her attention and like the slice of a quick blade, she's been played just like she's played every other suit in the building and the lies in her eyes are watering up and he can't help but tell her, honey i'm just like you but i never assumed to tell you the truth.

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