Tuesday, April 27, 2010

infectious happiness

the sun is crashing and the glitter is fascinating the people are screaming and everyones laughing people want to be low but their moving at millions of miles and they feel alive and everything is moving at the speed of light and when they try to think about just whats happening it all comes out in one sentence no punctuation and they cant decide weather this sentence is moving forward of backwards or if their own mind is crazy and its just a simple state of insanity lights casting up and down all around and alive alive alive they feel and the time is coming to an end like a tilt a whirl they are still unsure when but they dont complain about such madness they wont let this experience change them they will take entire benefit from such thing and touch it tuck it away in the hidden spots within their pockets and wait for someone astounding to share such infecting happiness with moving moving infectious happiness lighting up lighting up amazing

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