Tuesday, April 27, 2010


dangerous at first. you wobble and stray. but it's close to the corner of your mind and you dream about it. suddenly. like you didn't know it was there. like your mind had closed in on something and when you sleep it decides to bring it out and show you, show you just how much it does mean to you. and your excited. your heart leaps at the experience and you cant stop. wanting. want. more. so you go for it. and its a rush. its lovely and sky rocketing and you can taste the clouds as you ever imagined them. photography options on the real world and were painting flowers like they do in that story but were using these fabulous colours and make it like riding a bike. fast and explosive, but calming and thoughtful. you enjoy it. you want more. more more more. company. always wanting more. so selfish. push you off your bike so you can get a scratch. you've got one on your heart and its a pretty little thing you dont want to disguise, only want to scream at the loudest of decibels and tell anyone who is willing to hear you that your feeling incredible. and it wont matter if they catch your drift. because your cash landing into this. this want of more. this wanting of such adoring company. tiny star cut outs to grace my sky because like a romeo and juliet thing minus the CANT. this can happen, let it.

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