a bone rattling idea, crushing your from the inside out. your lungs become heavy and your heart is beating at a pace you unsure is healthy. fire has boiled up from the pit of your stomach burning butterflies and fueling your desire, your contemplating the most beautiful things and you've never felt so alive. you smile to yourself at such ideas and you can't help but miss, miss them so. you miss the way their words would sit on the edge of your mind once they fell over their lips and trickled into the soft spot between your ears. you miss the way their eyes would graze your entire body in one swift motion but it made you feel amazing. you miss their company and their silence. you miss their commotion and their smiles. your entirely consumed by a feeling of want. you want more and more of them and your willing to give everything, all of you. you feel inspired by the idea that there is only up from here and you encourage them to tell you their fears because it wouldn't matter as long as you knew, and you could be there and comfort them and kiss them better. it wouldn't be so bad. if you could just spill your entire heart into a letter and send it via
courier pigeon you would be able to realize the full force of my hearts desire, and it would maybe even rattle your bones but i do not ask such things of you. allow your eyes to see me for me, and allow your being to just be, in it's company. and
i'll be sure to make you smile,
i'll make every bone in you smile. and you'll feel easy and assured that everything you believe in will be fine because i believe in you and it's not a question of time, set yourself free because you've got nothing to fear. slow steps. increasing paces. rapid hearts, a haze of kisses that will blow your mind and you'll smile, every bone in your body will smile.
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