Sunday, April 25, 2010

vibrant cigarette

Cigarette drawn to beautiful lips. Kiss me deadly. A begging of such sickly exotic poison I want to flood me. Jagged marks, I can only imagine how it will be visible along my skin. Dripping like a raging junkie, a coughing fiend of interference. A smokey haze of identified feelings being inhaled through luscious lips and exhaled before white teeth, white like egg and I can see the yoke already staining my heart. The snort of such efforts releasing insanity into your membrane and you look at me through different eyes and the sockets become heavy and unaware of time and your head fills with everything but me and your itching to remember, remember what you've forgotten and your tongue becomes heavy in your mouth and your words fall out like broken rocks. Crashing. You being to sleep with such pretty dreams of me. Vibrant floral and monday music drums light against your skin and you wake up, remembering. Communication more concrete, less brittle and I wonder what will happen next. Crashing. Crash into me. You are a drug too me.

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