Tuesday, April 20, 2010

colliding dreams

when you have a dream that is full of reassurance, and sure it was just a dream but it stops you from feeling like a loon for just a moment and you can consider that everything will be okay. your probably right you know, i've got too much weight on this, and i'm driving myself mad. but i can't help me. i'm intoxicated by such glorious feelings and wonderful ways and your sweet like candy. a morning when you wakeup and realize that what you just dreamed was sensational. that it dived into your senses and rocked your thoughts lightly in your mind and you felt at ease waking up to feelings of butterflies everywhere. a little piece of birthday cake, you blew the candles out and i felt your wish dance across my mouth urging me to kiss you and i did like fireworks. kiss. it was lavish and so enchanting and you only pressed for more and i was glad to oblige to your persistent motion. when dreams collide with your heart and your actual wants and desires you wake up feeling like a dazzling bottle of sand and with ever gain you'll flow easily into your hands and through your fingers and dance in such uplifting wind. uplifting dreams, colliding with my heart. your heart. kiss. everything at ease.

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