Saturday, April 24, 2010


a little chunk that you can mend and flex to fit your mood. a attention getter but not the whole concept of wearing it. a little piece of jewelry that has a meaning to me, is pretty to you, and the rest of you don't really care for it. silly bling bling girls wearing their accessories because they think they must. no care, no like or dislike, its popular - what the heck. a little chunk that can make you remember something, can make you have fun with it. can kiss your heart in the quitest of ways. a little chunk of laughter that you can carry around your neck. along your wrist, across your finger. it's not just about the appeal and the cost and the amount of little rocks it's housing. all in all its just a material. make it something better. make it have a purpose of such intensity, allow it to have a story that it's not just another chunk sitting in your jewelry box. a chunk of fun. happiness. it's all real no matter how fake you think it is. a chunk much more than you'll realize.

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