Wednesday, April 21, 2010

focus a moment

blurry edges press for eyes to peek inside, take a little wander over and stick their faces right up close, tilt the picture to get a better grasp. it's not necessarily anything but it could possibly be everything and you've just walked by without a clue. claiming such relativity you are so sheltered. step out side and see what your missing before, like sand, its fallen through all your finds and slipped right by and all you can remember is the way it kind of caught you eye. don't let a faint memory be so faint, don't allow everything to become a blur due to heightening circumstances, take control of whats yours and actually everything; is ultimately yours. can ultimately be yours. but you've got time on your wrist and a mindful of thoughts, some you just keep pushing further into the dark and i've got a match that will light that sucker up and we'll unblurr the time and start something up.

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