Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sunny lover

summer light finally kissing exposed skin and smiles begin to heighten. days are longer and love just seems to come easier. indulge in a little summertime love, sip your lemonade - no questions no doubts. and with the fluffy clouds above you shall see nothing and everything all at once and at that exact moment your heart will race and you'll feel uneasy about the next season, but focusing on the now you are truly inspired, filling with desires, do not disregard, the time is now and now you must take charge, beautiful people in wonderful places the sun makes everything a little bit lighter and with a heart beat sounding that perfect song, i encourage you - dare you even - to dance. and when the night begins to fall around you and the sun says its sweet goodbyes, be sure too remember it's certainly going to miss you. and when it rises in the morning and kisses you all over.. summertime love is in the air and you cant help but stop and stare, trust the reality in the notion of that light and don't waste your time trying to bottle it when you can jump start it with a kick and simply enjoy it.

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