Saturday, June 26, 2010

Devil's Advocate Tongue

wakeup moments and your eyes are filled with diamonds. beyond brilliance your resilience is captivating, inspiring. stiletto silhouettes dance along the skyscrapers and bring billionaire ideas to bank accounts hidden in paradise. shine so mighty that you would like to bottle it, release it in the dark and allow it to move you. sway your hips to the rhythm all around you, allow your mouth to crave such sensual moments that are bursting with nicotine, a rush so heightening your never bound to doubt it. hid in the corners of your mind and figure out time and space and why and never really bother with such things, you must allow things to flow, grow, things are always happening, dont you know? quick little motions causing me to stir up a plot, timely satisfactions and i can't get you off my heart. quick little stitch too make it all better, like a band-aid however, it never lasts long. pursed lips housing nothing but wants and a tongue playing devil's advocate, will you hold back.. or take the plunge?

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